In the midst of several other errands, I stopped off to pick up the final parts to assemble some sample vests. I'll be working on samples and one-offs for
Lastwear, starting with the men's vest. Thom and Lyssa have provided cut parts for several vests to give the pattern a go, and gave the green light to document the process of making the vests. This works out nicely both for me and for them, as part of the concept for the company is that their clothing is open-source. In theory this means anyone can download their patterns and make their own - or use it as a launching point for something new. The patterns aren't actually available yet, but I expect someone truly interested in obtaining a copy could get one if they asked nicely enough.
I'll be putting together one
Pinkerton vest on its own, and then assembly-lining a couple more; expect the same kind of photo documentation you saw on the jacket and ticking-stripe corset. A certain amount of sewing know-how is expected, and I won't be slowing down much to explain the differences between production and commercially available patterns, or on the sort of thing a production sewer would be expected to know. I will try to recognize those things and provide links to outside tutorials, but if you are following along and don't understand something I encourage you to comment so that I can make sure the instructions I'm providing are adequate.